~ A Universal Tributes Course ~

To discover why I am here and to uncover the meaning of my life from a spiritual perspective.
- To view the events of my life through the 'bigger picture' of my soul's reason for being
- To discover the spiritual purpose of my life regardless of what I 'do' in the world
- To identify the Present Main Purpose of my life and explore which aspect of my Life Purpose it fulfills
- To explore practical ways to support my alignment with my Life Purpose
When our soul is determined to evolve, it will find a way to convert even rocks to fertile soil. Delineating the ups and downs of our life enables us to see how we have transformed the obstacles into gifts.
Does your life lack meaning? Have you ever wondered, 'Why am I here?' or asked yourself, 'What is the purpose of my life?' Do you lack inspiration or spontaneity? Do you feel like something is missing from your life, despite having 'a good life'? Do you feel unfulfilled in your work and think there must be something else 'out there' for you, but not know what it is? Have you sensed that you are here for a special purpose but have never been able to ascertain what that purpose is?
Carefully read and consider the Universal Tributes Courses introductory page. Ask yourself if now is the time to devote yourself to beginning (or deepening) your spiritual journey using the psychological-spiritual tool of the ten Universal Tributes.
The four-week course for the Universal Tribute PURPOSE supports discovering your life's true purpose through the understanding and practice of Tribute Two: I know my chosen life’s purpose is in alignment with a Higher Purpose for me when I am inspired and when I experience the joy, spontaneity, and gratitude of service.
As part of making your decision to enroll, carefully read the program requirements and time commitments listed below.
Topics Covered
- The ten Universal Tributes as a Spiritual Roadmap
- Tribute Two and Tenets: I know my chosen life’s purpose is in alignment with a Higher Purpose for me when I am inspired and when I experience the joy, spontaneity, and gratitude of service.
- Exploring how significant events in my life reveal keys to my Life Purpose
- Understanding the concept of 'Present Main Purpose' (which changes over time) and how each Present Main Purpose of my life fulfills some aspect of my Life Purpose
- Identifying goals to help bring my life into alignment with my Life Purpose
Alignment with Divine
Will reveals to each the uniqueness of the individual soul's plan. Such alignment also generates the inspiration and energy necessary to express the soul's destiny,
its individual spiritual assignment.
- Read portions of Born to Serve by Susan S. Trout, PhD
- Follow the designated study steps and complete reading and worksheet assignments on schedule
- Spend approximately one-half to one hour each day to complete the four-week course
- Send designated worksheets to assigned faculty member
- Apply course material in personal and work life
- Discuss completed assignments and handouts in phone calls with your assigned faculty member, plus additional contact by email as needed
- Lesson cannot be extended past the original four-week period
Course Tuition: $100
Reference: Susan S. Trout, PhD, Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Through Service. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, ©1997.
Disclaimer: The Institute for the Advancement of Service does not provide medical or mental health care. As such, practices, courses, and study programs are not intended to be psychotherapy, medical therapy, or a substitute for either one. Participants are required to assume self-responsibility for their wellbeing by seeking, when appropriate, psychological and medical professional care.
To complete your registration for the
Universal Tribute Two: Purpose ~ Discovering My Life's True Meaning Course:
Click on the button below to make your payment
through Paypal or by credit card: