Giving and Receiving
~ A Universal Tributes Course ~

To explore unconscious assumptions about giving and receiving and become aware of selfless service as the ultimate purpose of one's spiritual journey.
Just as you cannot receive without giving, so neither can you give without receiving.
~ Peace Pilgrim
- To understand the reciprocal relationship between giving and receiving and the necessity for both
- To raise awareness of the hidden assumptions held about giving and receiving
- To recognize the fundamental role of a healthy relationship to giving and receiving from a spiritual perspective
- To learn about and taste the experience of selfless service
Do you sometimes wonder what the point is of all the work you do? Do you become discouraged, angry, or resentful when your work does not produce results or when you are not appreciated? Do you feel you are in the world to be of service but are unsure of what form your service should take?
Do you find it difficult to receive? Do you give out of a sense of obligation? Do you give and give and give, becoming burned out from your service? Would you like to have tools that help you change your inner state to allow you to see giving and receiving from a larger spiritual perspective?
Carefully read and consider the Universal Tributes Courses introductory page. Ask yourself if now is the time to devote yourself to beginning (or deepening) your spiritual journey using the psychological-spiritual tool of the ten Universal Tributes.
The course for the Universal Tribute GIVING and RECEIVING supports your understanding of the relationship between giving and receiving through the understanding and practice of Tribute Seven: I acknowledge the reciprocal relationship between giving and receiving, understanding that both are essential for the wellbeing of myself and others. As part of making your decision to enroll, carefully read the program requirements and time commitments listed below.
The inability to fully receive arises from the ego's need to defend itself against love.
Topics Covered
- The ten Universal Tributes as a Spiritual Roadmap
- Tribute Seven and Tenets: I acknowledge the reciprocal relationship between giving and receiving, understanding that both are essential for the wellbeing of myself and others.
- Understanding the Reciprocal Relationship Between Giving and Receiving
- Uncovering Mental Models of Giving and Receiving
- Understanding and Practicing Seva, or Selfless Service
- Read portions of Born to Serve by Susan Trout
- Follow the designated study steps and complete reading and worksheet assignments on schedule
- Spend approximately one-half to one hour each day to complete the four-week course
- Send designated worksheets to assigned faculty member
- Apply course material in personal and work life
- Discuss completed assignments and handouts in phone calls with your assigned faculty member, plus additional contact by email as needed
- Lesson cannot be extended past the original four-week period
Course Tuition: $100
Reference: Susan S. Trout, PhD Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Through Service. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, ©1997.
Disclaimer: The Institute for the Advancement of Service does not provide medical or mental health care. As such, practices, courses, and study programs are not intended to be psychotherapy, medical therapy, or a substitute for either one. Participants are required to assume self-responsibility for their wellbeing by seeking, when appropriate, psychological and medical professional care.