~ A Universal Tributes Course ~

- This course invites you to experience forgiveness as a gift to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing and happiness.
- This course offers extensive, one-on-one interaction with a faculty member carefully matched to the needs and personality of the student, including weekly phone meetings and additional email support.
To understand the contrast between extending love and projecting negativity when relating to others and to apply this understanding through the practice of forgiveness.
When we do not honor the shadow, we go forth like the thrust of a wave carried along by the power of hidden undercurrents.
- To define the shadow and how it is made visible in personal relationships
- To observe ourselves with detachment in order to choose to respond with forgiveness (“the gift of lilies”) rather than to react with negativity (“a crown of thorns”) toward oneself and others
- To explore how choosing to hold grievances towards others OR choosing to see others as a reflection of Divine Love impacts our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing throughout life
- To learn how to practice forgiveness as a way of life
Are you concerned about how much you react negatively to the words and behavior of others? Are you aware of feeling anger and guilt about what you have thought, said, or done throughout your life? Do you feel you understand the true meaning of forgiveness? Would you like to forgive yourself as well as forgive others? Would you like to release your grievances? Do you find yourself reacting more than responding to others and/or to community and world events? Are you neglecting your physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual wellbeing? Is having inner peace important to you? Have you wondered what it means that your mind has a shadow and what exactly resides in your shadow? Are you aware that your shadow contains both your unrealized potential and your denied negative feelings?
Carefully read and consider the Universal Tributes Courses introductory page. Ask yourself if now is the time to devote yourself to beginning (or deepening) your spiritual journey using the psychological-spiritual tool of the ten Universal Tributes.
The four-week course for the Universal Tribute EXTENSION supports you in observing your negative reactions and choosing forgiveness through the understanding and practice of Tribute Six: I use each encounter as a reflection of either a remembrance of Divine Love or a grievance I continue to hold against myself or another.
As part of making your decision to enroll, carefully read the program requirements and time commitments listed below.
There is nothing to forgive. Use what you have learned
to help others.
Topics Covered
- The ten Universal Tributes as a spiritual roadmap
- Tribute Six and Tenets: I use each encounter as a reflection of either a remembrance of Divine Love or a grievance I continue to hold against myself or another.
- Understanding the nature of the shadow
- Contrasting extending love and forgiveness with projecting negativity
- Projecting beliefs and grievances onto oneself and others
- Forgiving oneself and others
- Read portions of Born to Serve by Susan Trout
- Follow the designated study steps and complete reading and worksheet assignments
- Spend approximately one-half to one hour each day to complete the Four-Week Course
- Send designated worksheets to assigned faculty member
- Apply course material in personal and work life
- Discuss completed assignments and handouts in phone calls with your assigned faculty member, plus additional contact by email as needed
- Complete the Terms and Agreements Form when registering for the course. Note that the course cannot be extended past the original four-week period.
Course Tuition: $100
Reference: Susan S. Trout, PhD, Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Through Service. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, ©1997.
Disclaimer: The Institute for the Advancement of Service does not provide medical or mental health care. As such, practices, courses, and study programs are not intended to be psychotherapy, medical therapy, or a substitute for either one. Participants are required to assume self-responsibility for their wellbeing by seeking, when appropriate, psychological and medical professional care.