~ A Universal Tributes Course ~

I support my healing process and that of others with patience, gentleness, and unconditional acceptance.
To explore qualities that support healing and to learn the five steps of the healing process
- To redirect energy from outward focus to inward work
- To practice inner work in order to explore beliefs and motivations
- To learn how to find and practice support
- To experience learning from life events
The inner work itself is our service; we serve as we work on our own healing.
Do you want guidance for how to support friends and family when they have personal or health challenges in their lives? Do you have a tendency to handle everything on your own, thereby preventing you from asking for support? Are you wondering how to take responsibility for your physical and emotional health? Do you want to approach the growth and change in your life with more patience? Do you wish to trust yourself more as a source of wisdom?
Carefully read and consider the Universal Tributes Courses introductory page. Ask yourself if now is the time to devote yourself to beginning (or deepening) your spiritual journey using the psychological-spiritual tool of the ten Universal Tributes.
The course for the Universal Tribute ATTITUDE supports you as you grow toward wholeness through the understanding and practice of Tribute Nine: I support my healing process and that of others with patience, gentleness and unconditional acceptance.
As part of making your decision to enroll, carefully read the program requirements and time commitments listed below.
Topics Covered
- The ten Universal Tributes as a Spiritual Roadmap
- Tribute Nine and Tenets: I support my healing process and that of others with patience, gentleness, and unconditional acceptance
- Support defined as a loving manner
- The healing process
When I genuinely support and honor my own
healing process, I simultaneously honor and support that of others.
~ Tribute 9, Tenet 8 ~
- Read portions of Born to Serve by Susan Trout
- Follow the designated study steps and complete reading and worksheet assignments on schedule
- Spend approximately one-half to one hour each day to complete the four-week course
- Send designated worksheets to assigned faculty member
- Apply course material in personal and work life
- Discuss completed assignments and handouts in phone calls with your assigned faculty member, plus additional contact by email as needed
- Lesson cannot be extended past the original four-week period
Course Tuition: $100
Reference: Susan S. Trout, PhD, Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Through Service. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, ©1997.
Disclaimer: The Institute for the Advancement of Service does not provide medical or mental health care. As such, practices, courses, and study programs are not intended to be psychotherapy, medical therapy, or a substitute for either one. Participants are required to assume self-responsibility for their wellbeing by seeking, when appropriate, psychological and medical professional care.