The Strong Must Be Made Stronger

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The Strong Must Be Made Stronger

The convergence of our inner journey with our outer one leads to the discovery of our soul’s unique destiny. Gradually, we develop inner strength and move from being self-centered to being
centered on humanity.


With inner strength, we can choose to participate in and to be blessed by the evolution of a soul-inspired life in the Aquarian Era.

Years ago, I had a dream during which these words were chanted: “the strong must be made stronger.” At the time, I viewed the chant as a statement of the Institute’s mission to support those seeking personal growth and spiritual development. Recently, I discovered that the chant has an even higher purpose – to address our grief and fear concerning today’s unpredictable and tumultuous world and to seek inner strength by connecting to the Sacred Within.

Many of us view ourselves as strong, yet are aware of the presence of niggling concerns that lie just beneath our level of awareness. We fear we may lack the inner strength necessary to weather the multiple looming uncertainties currently brewing on Planet Earth. These include global warming, wars between nations, financial uncertainty, misused technology, and terrorism, among others. Our grief is overwhelming as we learn about the disregard of the wellbeing and safety of sentient beings and the brutal treatment and killing of so many. We wonder if we will be strong enough during the unpredictable transition from the third and fourth dimensions of the Piscean Era into the fifth dimension of the Aquarian Era. We question whether we will be the ones who can help others during this transition or if we will find ourselves among those needing help.

Regardless of how we experience our inner strength, we are wise to take an honest, nonjudgmental look at what we think, feel, and do that weakens our inner strength, and what we think, feel, and do that strengthens it. For example, do we strive to live a life of ease, looking for instant gratification, making excuses, escaping into endless distractions, or engaging in complaining, blaming, and condemning? Or do we strive to practice self-responsibility for our thoughts and reactions, engage in spiritual growth, and tend to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health?  Are we committed to becoming stronger and, if so, what supports this happening?

Nurturing Inner Strength = Being Made Stronger

The Ten Universal Tributes and their Tenets are inspired teachings that serve as a guide for ensuring that the strong will be made stronger – if they are taken to heart and practiced regularly. An inherent aspect of the Institute’s foundational teachings found in The Soul and Service Trilogy, the Tributes address the source of our inner strength, the quality of our inner state, and the quality of our relationships with others.

Three of the Tribute’s major premises and practices – self-responsibility, soul alignment, and service – can, during this transformational time in human history, transform us if we wish to become stronger and serve others.


When we are self-responsible, we shift our thoughts, actions, and words to look within rather than without for wholeness.

  • With honesty and kindness, I take responsibility for my own choices and allow others to do the same. (Tribute 5)
  • The presence of patience, gentleness, and unconditional acceptance lessens resistance to change and growth. (Tribute 9, Tenet 7)


We have an obligation not only to love each other, but also in our love to make ourselves as lovable as possible so that it is easy for our sisters and brothers to love us.

~ William of St. Thierry ~

Soul Alignment

When we align with our Soul, we are guided, taught, and protected throughout our lives so that we fulfill our life purpose.

  • I have been given a unique assignment by the Divine and, having accepted this function, I live my life with integrity, commitment, and gratitude. (Tribute Two, Tenet 2)
  • To be inspired is to put the Divine first in my life, thereby aligning my will with Divine Will and fulfilling my assigned life purpose and mission. (Tribute Two, Tenet 4)


Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

~ Maya Angelou ~


When we are of service, we offer the right thing in the right way at the right time for the right reason and in the right amount.

  • I am unconsciously giving and receiving all the time; the more conscious I am of the level on which I give and receive, the more helpful my giving and receiving is to the wellbeing of myself and others.  (Tribute 7, Tenet 6)
  • Divine Will works through me as me when I have no attachment to the form of the task and no expectations of outcome. (Tribute 3)


Be mindful when you have an opportunity
to show another way.

~ Source Unknown ~

    A Clarion Call to Making Ourselves Stronger

    At this time on Planet Earth, we can choose whether or not to hear the clarion call to be made stronger and help others do the same. We are called to make a choice between the old and the new, between what was and what will be. We are called to practice cooperation and to live as one global family. We are called to slow down in order to recognize and benefit from synchronistic events. Synchronicity, or the flow of unexpected events, guides us, awakens us, alerts us, and shows us how to develop and sustain inner strength. We can call on the wisdom of the Universe to help us deepen our collective understanding of what is destined to emerge in the world.

    With inner strength, we can choose to participate in and to be blessed by the evolution of a soul-inspired life in the Aquarian Era. Indeed, when we choose to live a soul-inspired life – when we choose to live life completely and well – we are gradually made stronger and move from being centered on ourselves to being centered on humanity.


    As a daily practice, find a specific example in your life of how a particular Tribute or Tenet supported you making yourself stronger.


    Reference: Susan S. Trout, PhD, Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul Through Service. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, ©1997. The Clarion Call: Leadership and Group Life in the Aquarian Era. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, ©2009.

    Photo attribution: © Can Stock Photo / ipopba (flower); kavita (woman)

    Get a printable copy of this teaching HERE.


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