Calming Fear and Anxiety in Ukraine and in Ourselves
Calming Fear and Anxiety in Ukraine
and in Ourselves
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only way that it ever has.
~ Margaret Mead ~
Practice this teaching for yourself as well as in service to all in the world who are suffering during this unique time of challenge and opportunity in our world.
The Institute has begun sending teachings and practices for emotional and spiritual support to the staff of several Ukraine orphanages, along with a large group of women who grew up in these orphanages and who have remained in contact with them. Through Institute board member Maggie Scobie, who has worked with orphanages in Ukraine for over 22 years, we have been able to connect with these women to offer them psychospiritual guidance during this time of crisis in their country.
The Planet Is Shaking
With these communications, the Institute continues its mission to support those seeking inner strength and comfort during this time of upheaval and sudden change that is shaking our planet. This shaking is an inescapable effect of the evolutionary transition of our planet as it moves through the very midpoint of the 2,000-year transition from the Piscean Era to the Aquarian Era.
As I wrote about this previously in my blog, the dark will continue to get darker as we move through the most difficult and intense years of the transition, as devastating crises such as the war in Ukraine have shown. At the same time, the Light of the Aquarian Era has begun to shine more brightly as new energies flood the planet with grace, synchronicity, unity, cooperation, and love.
Raising Our Vibration to Magnify the Light
We sent this teaching and practice (below) to the women of Ukraine on June 1, 2023. We invite you to practice the teaching for yourself as well as in service to all in the world who are suffering during this unique time of challenge and opportunity in our world. By practicing the teaching, you magnify the incoming Light-filled energies of the Aquarian era, raising the vibration of your own energy and actively helping to usher in this new and unprecedented age of peace, Light, and unified consciousness.
A Relaxation Method
for Calming Fear and Anxiety
The following teaching and relaxation method calms the mind and body by decreasing fear and anxiety. That is, the method decreases mental and physical stress and increases physical and emotional calmness. The method consists of a series of mental thoughts that bring about sensations of warmth and heaviness, the effect of which calms your physical and mental stress.
Doing this practice raises the vibration of your own energy and magnifies the incoming energies of the Aquarian era.
The more you practice this teaching and method, the more you reduce your stress, fear, and anxiety. This particular relaxation method has been used successfully throughout the world for over 80 years. It was created by a German Psychiatrist Johannes Schultz, who discovered that self-statements about heaviness and warmth in different parts of the body resulted in one becoming calm and relaxed. He called his method “autogenic training.”
Sit or lie down in a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Lie on the floor or recline in a chair. Loosen any tight clothing and remove glasses or contacts. Rest your hands in your lap or on the arms of the chair.
Practice Steps
Slowly repeat the following either silently or aloud:
Focus on your arms. Slowly repeat to yourself 3 times: “My arms are heavy and warm.” Then say to yourself, “I am completely calm and relaxed.” Pause.
Focus on your legs. Quietly and slowly repeat to yourself 3 times: “My legs are heavy and warm.” Then say to yourself, “I am completely calm and relaxed.” Pause.
Focus on your heart. Quietly and slowly repeat to yourself 3 times: “My heartbeat is calm and regular.” Then quietly say, “I am completely calm and relaxed.” Pause.
Quietly and slowly repeat to yourself 3 times, “My breathing is calm and regular.” Then quietly say to yourself, “I am completely calm and relaxed.” Pause.
Quietly and slowly repeat to yourself 3 times, “My stomach is soft and warm.” Then quietly say to yourself, “I am completely calm and relaxed.” Pause.
Quietly and slowly repeat to yourself 3 times: “My forehead is cool.” Then quietly say to yourself, “I am completely calm and relaxed.” Pause.
Enjoy the feeling of relaxation, warmth, and heaviness. When you are ready, quietly and slowly say 3 times:
My mind is quiet and still.
I am completely calm and relaxed.
I am at peace.
Get a printable copy
of this teaching and practice
in English HERE
and in Ukrainian HERE
References: Cuncic, Arlin. "Autogenic Training for Reducing Anxiety," updated August 16, 2020. verywellmind website (
Image attribution: New Waves of Light ( – Evolutionary forces are stirring