How to Pray for a Group
How to Pray for a Group
For the history and background of this prayer, see the teaching "Infusing the World with Light through Prayer" on this blog
Praying for a group is similar to praying for an individual in that the prayer extends Light to the group members with purity and integrity. The prayer for a group consists of this simple Buddhist prayer: “I pray for [the name of the group’s] highest possible evolution.” The prayer does not focus on what we think the group needs, such as better cooperation, more innovative ideas, or more effective communication. Rather, the prayer invites the Light to support and guide the group’s highest possible evolution at this time in the group’s existence.
The prayer invites the Light to support and guide the group’s highest possible evolution at this time in the group’s existence.
Just as individuals have a Soul, groups have a Group Soul to protect, guide, teach, and inspire group members, whether the group is a family, a team, a committee, a company, an organization, or a country. Aligned with Divine Source, the Group Soul communicates through the group personality, which is comprised of the collective physical, emotional, and mental vibrational bodies of the group members. In turn, group members communicate with the Group Soul through their hearts (human souls) and Souls (Higher Selves).
Lines of communication strengthen through intention and practice. The stronger the lines of communication, the more conscious the group becomes. Healing, vision, and love increase within the group, which in turn allows the group to radiate these qualities outward in service. The power to manifest for the greater good of the group deepens and expands.
Praying for a Group – Follow These Steps:
Step One:
Visualize the group you wish to pray for. Take a moment to align your heart and the hearts of the group members with the Group Soul. The Group Soul is located at an elevated level in the center of the group. This alignment allows the individual personalities of group members to receive the Group Soul’s input and insight.
The human soul (with a lower case “s”) is located in the heart. Therefore, when the word “heart” is used, below, it also refers to the human soul. Each individual’s Soul (with a capital “S”), or Higher Self, is located about eight inches above the head. A line of Light-energy connects a person’s soul in the heart with his or her Soul above the head.
Follow these steps of the Group Soul Alignment:
- Take three deep breaths to calm your physical body. (pause)
- Take three deep breaths to calm your emotional body. (pause)
- Take three deep breaths to calm your mental body. (pause)
- Focus your awareness in your heart.
- Visualize a line of Light-energy extending from your heart down to the heart of the Mother of the Earth.
- Visualize a line of Light-energy from your heart to your Soul, located eight to twelve inches above your head.
- Visualize the Light-energy extending from your Soul to the Group Soul. The Group Soul can be visualized at an elevated level in the center of the group. Pause a moment or so as the Group Soul connects your Soul with the Soul of each group member.
- Visualize the Light-energy extending from the Group Soul to Divine Source.
- Sit in silence for a few moments as you hold this alignment from the heart of the Mother of the Earth to Divine Source. See the energy of Source moving down the alignment to the heart of the Mother of the Earth and then back again to Source, creating a circuit of energy carrying the Divine Will for the [name of your group or organization] to all levels of manifestation.
The Group Soul is located at an elevated level in the center of the group.
Step Two:
Mentally or aloud, briefly explain the reason you are praying for the group, sharing the reason in a kind, loving, and non-judgmental` way with the group. Come from your heart when you do this. NEVER blame or accuse the group of any wrongdoing, interpret their behavior, or give them advice.
If you skip Steps One and Two and only say
"I pray for [the name of the group]," the Light
(the Prayer) does NOT move towards and
reach the group. This is also true when we
only say, "sending prayers and blessings."
Step Three:
If permission has been given, state this simple phrase: “I pray for [the name of the group’s] highest possible evolution.” Do not focus on what you think the group needs. Rather, allow the prayer to do its work. The prayer invites the Light to support and guide the group’s highest possible evolution at this time in its existence, whatever that may be.
- Begin with the Group Soul Alignment: align your heart (soul) and the hearts (souls) of the group members with the Group Soul and Divine Source.
- Communicate your appreciation and/or concerns to the group with kindness and without blame.
- If permission has been given, state: "I pray for [the name of the group's] highest possible evolution."
How often and for how long you continue praying for the group will vary from group to group. Step Two does not need to be followed after the initial contact has been made with the group. After using this approach to prayer a few times, you will discover that you can easily connect to the group in prayer. Decide when and what amount of time you wish to spend offering prayers of Light, and honor that commitment.
As we walk through life, our Light graces everything around us.
Reference: Susan S. Trout, PhD, The Clarion Call: Leadership and Group Life in the Aquarian Era. Alexandria, VA: Three Roses Press, 2009.
Source: Susan Trout’s Blog: Living Life Completely and Well, "Infusing the World with Light through Prayer," December 2018.
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