This page is currently under construction.
Please check back periodically for updated information about courses.
The following courses are expected to be offered
once our transition is complete:
The Universal Tributes
Ten distinct lessons which can be taken independently of one another. Based on the Universal Tributes in Born to Serve: The Evolution of the Soul through Service, this course will support you as you learn to monitor your inner state and choose outer actions that serve the wellbeing of yourself and others.
Universal Tributes Lessons include:
- Will ~ Awakening to Happiness
- Purpose ~ Discovering My Life's True Meaning
- Service ~ Be an Agent for Change in Humanity
- Inner Work ~ Accessing Compassion
- Choice ~ Self-Responsibility in Action
- Extension ~ Forgiveness: The Gift of Lilies
- Giving and Receiving ~ Bringing Comfort to Myself and Others
- Double Vision ~ Seeing the Forest and the Trees
- Attitude ~ Seeing Life Differently
- Spiritual Invitation ~ Remembering I Am Not Alone